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Step by step on how to setup Instance

  1. Registering a new user. (full guide you can find here )
  2. In the end of registration choose Basic Support Plan
  3. Going to Console
  4. Sing in using root user email
  5. Log in
  6. Going to dashboard
  7. Going to EC2
  8. Going to the Instance dashboard and tap Launch Instance
  9. Launch Instance settings
  10. Enter name of your instance
  11. Choose Debian OS
  12. AMI and Architecture default
  13. Instance type
  14. Key pair. Choose your SSH key. (If you don’t have any pairs - you must to create and connect. See manual below)
  15. Network Settings. Choose Select Existing Security Group. Choose the default security group from the dropdown.
  16. Configure Storage. Choose 1024GB and gp3.
  17. Check the chosed settings in the right tab and press Launch Instance

  18. See the new instance in the dashboard. Check the chosed settings in the right tab and press Launch Instance

How to Pair SSH Key

  1. Go to the left bar navigation - Key Pairs
  2. Actions - Import Key Pairs
  3. Enter the Name of your SSH Key and paste the key into the field. (Or add the key file)

Connect SSH Key to Instance

  1. Going to Your instance dashboard. Click Connect
  2. Copy directions and go to the Terminal
  3. Put in the Terminal: SSH and link from the Connect Instance Dashboard.
  4. Press Enter. Confirm with passphrase.
  5. SSH key successfull connected.

Docker Setup

  • Use manual for debian
  • Going to Terminal and put the SSH + Direction from Instance Connect.
  • Enter the passphrase. Confirm
  • Add Docker's official GPG key (from manual)
  • Add the repository to Apt sources
  • Install the Docker Packages. To install the latest version, run: take code from manual and put in terminal. Enter
  • Give for the admin permission to use the Docker
  • Press Q: put command: nano /etc/group
  • Search in the group list: docker - add admin and press сtrl (cmd) + x. Press Enter
  • Check availability, type - id admin. You must see the docker in the list
  • Reload Terminal. Put SSH + Direction
  • Type “docker ps”
  • Docker completed

Docker instruction manual