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Testnet 8 Test 18


For this test, we used Digital Ocean Basic Droplet with the following server characteristics:

  • Name: s-2vcpu-4gb
  • vCPUs: 2
  • Memory (GiB): 4.0
  • SSD Disk (GiB): 80.0
  • Network Transfer (TB): 4.0

Network settings:

  • Slot duration: 4 sec
  • Nodes: 64
  • Workers: 32 per node

Algorithm of actions during testing:

  1. Stop creating blocks in the tested network.
  2. Generates ~150,000 transactions.
  3. Start 64 nodes.
  4. Fix the time in which all these transactions were added and accepted into blocks, i.e. executed.

Let’s analyze the line from the test results below:

Block number: 2778408
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(14)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778409
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(14)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778410
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(14)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778411
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(14)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778412
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(14)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778413
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(15)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778414
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(15)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778415
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(15)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778416
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(15)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778418
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(15)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778417
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(16)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778419
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(16)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778420
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(16)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778422
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(16)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778421
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(17)
Link to detailed information:

Block number: 2778423
Number of transactions: 10000
Epoch(slot): 18687(17)
Link to detailed information:

Let’s check how many transactions were added and processed in the three slots.
Take 3 slots = 12 seconds.

(10000+10000+10000+10000+10000 + 10000+10000+10000+10000+10000 + 10000+10000+10000+10000 ) = 140 000

140000/12=11666,66 TPS.

Now let’s check the values for four slots. If we take the 4th slot (18687(17)) (here we have a non-uniform distribution of transactions, since there were ~150000 in total).
(140000 + 10000 + 10000) = 160000

160000/16=10000 TPS.