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Deploy Smart Contracts to Testnet6

Testnet6 has been stopped. Use our other testnets

Deploy instructions

For more detailed instructions on how to deploy smart contracts, see our documentation at the link

Below in this instruction we will provide the settings for connecting to the node

Settings for public connection


More detailed information on how to put these settings in our documentation


According to the instructions, you need to change the following settings:


/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
    networks: {
      waterfall: {
        url: "",
        chainId: 1501866,
        accounts: ['07201008f00b31de405a0af22ff04871044e027878929b7b47569ca76555ff09'], // Private key from your account
        from: '0xa7062A2Bd7270740f1d15ab70B3Dee189A87b6DE', // Your Deployer Account
    solidity: "0.8.16",


According to the instructions, you need to change the following settings:

module.exports = {
    networks: {
      waterfall: {
       from: 'a7062A2Bd7270740f1d15ab70B3Dee189A87b6DE', // Your Deployer Account
       provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
         privateKeys: ['07201008f00b31de405a0af22ff04871044e027878929b7b47569ca76555ff09'], // Private key from your account
         providerOrUrl: `wss://`
       network_id: 1501866,
       confirmations: 5,
       websocket: true,
       skipDryRun: true,
    compilers: {
        solc: {
          version: "0.8.16"
The version of the Solidity compiler and the version of the smart contract code must match.

Settings for local connection

If you started the node according to the following instructions, then you can tune in to the local node


More detailed information on how to put these settings in our documentation


According to the instructions, you need to change the following settings:


/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
    networks: {
      waterfall: {
        url: "",
        chainId: 1501866,
        accounts: ['07201008f00b31de405a0af22ff04871044e027878929b7b47569ca76555ff09'], // Private key from your account
        from: '0xa7062A2Bd7270740f1d15ab70B3Dee189A87b6DE', // Your Deployer Account
    solidity: "0.8.16",


According to the instructions, you need to change the following settings:

module.exports = {
    networks: {
      waterfall: {
       from: 'a7062A2Bd7270740f1d15ab70B3Dee189A87b6DE', // Your Deployer Account
       provider: () => new HDWalletProvider({
         privateKeys: ['07201008f00b31de405a0af22ff04871044e027878929b7b47569ca76555ff09'], // Private key from your account
         providerOrUrl: `ws://`
       network_id: 1501866,
       confirmations: 5,
       websocket: true,
       skipDryRun: true,
    compilers: {
            solc: {
                version: "0.8.16"

The version of the Solidity compiler and the version of the smart contract code must match.