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Testnet Bridge Test 2


This project is for demo and testing purposes only and this technology is still in a test mode and needs more profound elaboration to be released as a ready-made product.
Since it’s a test network, during testing, there might be not enough money in bridge accounts to make a transfer.

  • WETH contract on Ethereum Network: 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2
  • WEETH contract on the Waterfall Network: 0x9954f4f6F20C63c30dF1107Fc26126dc3347c91E
  • WBBNB contract on Waterfall Network: 0x6Ad0550e01EAD1CE0D75E25329eABAf46C95D8A2
  • WBNB contract on BSC Network: 0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c

1. Converting ETH to WETH in Ethereum Network

  1. You need to get a WETH token in Ethereum Network, to do this connect web3 provider via metamask and make a deposit
  2. Check that the token appeared, balanceOf

2. Transferring WETH to Waterfall Network

Go to and login.

  1. Choose Ethereum and WETH on the left and the right amount to transfer to WF
  2. See that there is not enough balance in WF network, follow the link in the message and transfer Water
  3. Go back and transfer WETH to the WF network
  4. Waiting to receive WEETH in the WF network

3. Exchanging WEETH to WBBNB on uniswap

  1. Go to uniswap website
  2. Choose to exchange WEETH to WBBNB and confirm the exchange

4. Transfer WBBNB to BSC Network

  1. Go to and login
  2. Choose Waterfall network and WBBNB on the left side and Smart Chain on the other
  3. Choose a desired amount to be transferred
  4. See that there is not enough balance in Smart Chain network by following the link in the message and transfer BNB
  5. Go back and transfer WBBNB to Smart Chain network

5. Converting WBNB to BNB

  1. Waiting to receive WBNB in the Smart Chain network
  2. Check that the token appeared, balanceOf
  3. If you want to get BNB you need to call withdraw method and connect web3 provider via metamask